Cortækni hefur lausnir þegar kemur að ýmsum iðngreinum.
- olíuiðn
- gas
- orkuveitur
- vélaframleiðendur
- flutningsfyritæki
Enda gera lausnir okkar varðveislu og flutning á málmvörum auðveldari.
Heimildir og staðlar
ISO 9001 Certificate ISO 9001:2015
Cortec® Corporation Celebrates 20 Years Of ISO 9001 Certification!
Cortec® Corporation Passes Quality Audit with No Non-Conformances!
10-091 Comparing VpCI-325 and Ace Kote on Clutch Plates
15-289 Humidity Testing of BioCorr and VpCI-377 Versus Competitive RP Products
12-081 Evaluation of AGIP ALISMA 32 PV
00-032 Evaluation and Comparison of Boselon, Daubert and Northern Instruments VCI Films and SKS VCI Paper with Cortec VCI Film and Paper03-039 Evaluating Aicello Boselon 205 film07-321 Evaluating anticorrosion properties of film, part 211-132 Evaluation of VCI bags for Auto Part Protection18-082 Evaluation of "Boselon" by Aicello Film Sample19-124 Comparing Aicello Film to VpCI-126Corrosion Protection Evaluation Of Flexible Packaging Materials,
Cortec® Group Controls Largest VCI Market Share!The Journal of Science and Engineering, Corrosion: Efficacy of Vapor Phase Corrosion Inhibitor Technology in Manufacturing; B. Miksic, R. Boyle, B. Wuertz, Corrosion, Vol. 60, No. 6, June 2004